Case Study

Project Info
Rosenberg Associates provided base mapping, survey, right-of-way, geotechnical and erosion hazard analysis for a new bridge crossing on the Santa Clara River in Santa Clara, Utah. The geotechnical investigation evaluated the nature and engineering properties of the on-site soils and provided geotechnical recommendations for the proposed project including general site preparation and grading, the design and construction of bridge foundations, new roadways, and asphaltic concrete pavements. Soils for bridge foundations and other improvements mapped within the limits of “generalized flood prone areas” and “erosion hazard areas” were evaluated for erosion and scour protection.
The erosion hazard study analyzed impacts to the Santa Clara River 100-year floodplain as a result of the bridge construction and topography changes, analyzed potential scour conditions for the proposed bridge structures, and presented recommendations and design requirements for the project. Specific analyses included estimated scour depth, long-term degradation, contraction scour, abutment scour, and pier scour.
Construction on the project began in March, 2019.
Work Performed:
- Base mapping, survey, property identification, and right-of-way document preparation
- Geotechnical analysis of channel soil characteristics with recommendations for scour depth, general site preparation and grading, bridge foundations, and roadway improvements
- HEC-RAS 100-year floodplain analysis
- Erosion hazard study including analysis for scour depth, long-term degradation, contraction scour, abutment scour, and pier scour
- Construction surveying and staking
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