What We Do

River and Floodplain Management

Rosenberg Associates has had extensive experience with projects involving major hydraulic design elements since many of our firm’s key infrastructure projects have been located adjacent to major drainage channels, including the Virgin River, Santa Clara River, Fort Pierce Wash, and Atkinville Wash. Major hydraulic work has included the development of water surface profile models, the preparation of Letters of Map Revision (LOMR), river meander studies, erosion hazard studies, and erosion protection design. Completion of this work has enabled the firm to develop solid relationships with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Army Corps of Engineers, and local floodplain administrators and engineering departments.

Let's Build Something

Need any help? Please email or call us and we would be glad to answer any of your questions.

Rosenberg Corporate Office
352 East Riverside Dr., Suite A2
St. George, UT 84790

Phone: (435) 673-8586
Fax: (435) 673-8397


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